Thursday, February 2, 2012


There was a new article published recently on Fibro.

It is a very good article and if you have fibro, which millions of us do, definitely check it out. 2-4% of the population in fact have fibromyalgia!

Quite a large number huh?

This is a huge sweeping article that encompasses all aspects of the disease, from beginning to end, so even if you don't have it you might find it an interesting read.

I found it interesting in that it said that only 5-7% of patients are male.

Figures. Not only do I get a rare disease like CRPs but then I am in that strange percentage of patients that also develop Fibromyalgia and in that even smaller percentage of fibro patients that is male. Not to mention that most CRPS patients are also female. AND my CRPs is full body, or systemic and only 7-10% of CRPS patients end up with systemic CRPS. Then add in the number of those patients who go on to develop CFIDS (chronic immune deficiency syndrome ) I am not a math genius but I would say those odds are pretty high. Maybe I should play the lottery more.

I am not complaining. Life is what it is, you play the hand you are dealt. But it would be nice not to be so tired, exhausted, and just worn out all the time. And oh yeah, not be in pain. That too.

But the patients I talk to, the fibromyalgia patients that is, the overriding symptom they complain the most about is the fatigue, more so than the pain.

Similarly with CFIDS; as they say on the CFIDS Association of America website; the overriding symptom is incapacitating fatigue; (experienced as profound exhaustion and extremely poor stamina). There are other symptoms of course; short-term memory problems, difficulty concentrating, flu-like symptoms, etc.

Another interesting section of the article is where they discuss who should be doing the diagnosing now. They make the case that there is enough information available that there is no longer the need to refer the fibro patient out to specialists, that the PCP (Primary Care Physician) has enough information at hand that in his office setting he should be able to determine whether or not you have fibromyalgia; provided you do not have a multitude of other medical conditions which could possibly overlap. That a diagnosis of fibro should be made based on inclusion not a diagnosis of exclusion. This is a big point and well made in the article.

They also point out the importance of movement, activity, to the fibro patient. Do something, anything, to keep your body active. Walk, bike, swim, volunteer, something. The worst thing you can do with this disease is nothing. Your muscles will atrophy very quickly and the fatigue and muscle pain will worsen exponentially.

So check out the article, let me know what you think!

peace, Keith

American RSDHope

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